Nyagua is a software that may help
you to manage your home aquariums.
It has been completly written in Java
with Netbeans standard IDE, that may ensure
portability. It runs on every O.S. that can run Java applications and has been
tested on GNU/Linux, Windows, OS-X.
It's distributed under GNU
GPL v.2 license, for free, as it is, without any warranty implicit and
From here you can...
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Planted Aquarium Fertilizers CALCulator (pafcalc) is a spin off of Nyagua project. The fertilizer calculator has been released also as stand-alone application for those who use it often but don't want to start Nyagua every time.Nyagua requirements:
- Java (Usually it's already installed in your system)
- SQLite 3.7.2 or higher: SQLite is a C library that implements an SQL database engine. A large subset of SQL92 is supported. A complete database is stored in a single disk file. It's usually already installed in your system
- A browser ;-) is required for reports.
- gnuplot 4.0 or higher. Starting from Nyagua 2.0 versiona gnuplot is optional and used only if you need extra features in plotting.